Student Testimonials
Alejandro Armenteros Cacheda (Spain)

The master programme is highly attractive in terms of contents and mobility. There are a lot of guest lecturers from different parts of Europe making the classes more interesting and rich.
Roberto de Regil Trava (Mexico)

In my view the best experience is meeting people from different countries. To be in contact with other cultures and ways of thinking is very useful and I believe this will help me in my professional development as much as knowledge I acquire during the master.
Oliver John (Germany)
The opportunity of living and studying in different European countries is very attractive and definitely the benefit of this Master. However, I would have liked to move back to Barcelona in the 3rd semester which was not possible due to the number of students.
Kristina de Armas (USA)

Most of all I enjoy the diverseness of my fellow classmates and the opportunity to travel and study at three universities. I have also learned a lot and developed professionally in the past year. It is a great opportunity to learn about supply chain on a globe scale.
Vladislava Cherviakova (Russia)
I liked company visits as it gave us an impression how logistics processes are organised in real life.
Sandara Malardyrova (Russia)

LSCM programme is not only providing us an opportunity to get know three different countries but also meet interesting people with different backgrounds and knowledge. The programme consists of useful subjects that in the future might help for my career development.
Melanie Lutz (Germany)

First of all I want to say thank you for building up a European integrated program like this giving us the opportunity to collect experiences in different cultures, countries, knowledge-bases which is so important in the field of Supply Chain Management.
Nina Schefers (Germany)

I’m happy with visiting different international companies during the Masters program which helped me to practically see learned concepts during classes.
Maria Mendez (Ecuador)

I feel excited about the Programme in general. Learning logistics best practices, principles and supply chain management with European and international dimension. I also like it very much because the shared experiences among professors and classmates from almost all over the world with different cultures, that makes it special.
Adrian Moellmann (Germany)
I was happy (still I am!) to study with students from many countries all over the world. Furthermore I was able to improve my language skills in English and Spanish. I enjoy living and growing my personality in different countries with different cultures. The possibility to do the final thesis in the 4th semester in a country or company of my favorite is very helpful to specialize myself for my future working life in the field of logistics and supply chain management. Maybe I will have the possibility to find directly a job in the company where I am going to write the final thesis. I am sure the LSCM masters program will help me to find a suitable job and career path according my qualification, educational level and personal skills.
Margarita Bagamanova (Russia)

For me the programme is a unique experience of studying in an international environment. Every semester had a special atmosphere and academic content that made studying process interesting and full of various challenges. Strong combination of theoretical and practical issues gave a high valuable knowledge to me, and I hope to use these new skills in my future career in logistics business.
Florian Urquia (France)

Good way to discover culture, logistic companies and logistics infrastructures of each country.
Aljoscha Gruler (Germany)

It is great to meet so many new people, learn new languages and see different countries.
Léo Poncet (France)

It’s a great opportunity to learn logistics and SCM, by dealing with totally different cultures. It also allows building up very good international professional network not only in the field of logistics, but also in different fields.